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If only there were a few more hours in the day, am I right? If that was the case, maybe we wouldn’t feel so tired all the time and we would be able to get everything done and sleep enough!

Maybe so, but we have 24 hours and I’m not sure how I see that changing anytime soon. So, we may not be able to ADD in more hours, but we can definitely find ways to take better advantage of those 24 hours.

Here are 3 VERY simple hacks that will help you feel more energized during each day, therefore allowing you to accomplish more and ultimately making it feel like you have more time in the day to do whatever you want.

The biggest mistake we make with nutrition is that we make it complicated. Not only can it be much easier than we ever imagined, but it is perhaps the only way to do it. There is no reason to buy those expensive nutrition/weight loss pills. You do not need to cut out an entire macro food group (carbs, protein, or fat). And the answer is also not just drinking more coffee.

Start with just ONE of these tips for a week and stay consistent with it. For the average, otherwise healthy individual, I can almost guarantee you will feel better.

1.Cut out processed foods.

This means shop the perimeter of the store. Eat only whole foods throughout the day. If I could only give ONE tip for increased energy- this would be it. You will be amazed how good you can feel when you get the right ingredients your body needs directly from the source.

Breakfast examples:

Yogurt with granola, berries

Chia Seed Pudding with protein powder

Eggs on toast with avocado

Mixed breakfast bowl with beans, veggies, potatoes and eggs (think last nights leftovers topped with eggs)

Lunch/Dinner Examples

Mixed Bowl- base of greens, grains or potatoes, topped with sauteed veggies and protein of choice, topped with sauce of choice

Sandwich or wrap with whole grain of gluten free bread (avoid the highly processed white bread)

Salad with protein, veggies, cheese and dressing of choice

2. Keep your blood sugar stabilized.

This is especially important for anyone that has diabetes, but if you are otherwise healthy this is still crucial to your energy levels. A good way to prevent large spikes which generally lead to crashes later follows rule number one- avoid processed foods.

The second best way is a really simply hack- eat your carbs last! Focus on your veggies, fat and protein first and then the carbs last. This will help prevent a spike on blood glucose of your carbs being processed first.

3. Water before Caff

Reach for 1-2 glasses of eater before reaching for that afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink.

Our cells and circulatory system need water in order to function properly. If they don’t have enough of this basic fluid, they can stop functioning at their optimal level. This change can cause you to feel lethargic and low energy. So, do your body a favor, help if function optimally and give it some water!

There are MANY other things that can cause lethargy and fatigue and if you have been experiencing this for a long time, please consult your healthcare provider about this. You may be experiencing a metal or mercury toxicity, a parasite, anemia, hormone or nutritional deficiencies or other underlying medical condition.

For more information on how to optimize your energy and nutrition, please reach out to us at Dimensions Physical Therapy. The road to your increased energy and longterm health starts here

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