When faced with constant knee pain, it’s common to assume it’s just a natural consequence of aging, wear, and tear, or a temporary issue that will resolve itself. The discomfort in your knees may be perplexing; unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to improve.
If you are in this situation, rest assured you’re not alone. We frequently encounter individuals who share similar experiences. Knee pain ranks among the most prevalent concerns we address at our physical therapy clinic.
Given the prevalence of knee pain, it’s understandable that everyone we assist seeks answers to these pressing questions:
Many believe that when they initially experience knee pain, it will eventually subside and vanish. They envision waking up one morning, and like magic, the knee pain will become a thing of the past. However, after six months pass, they still grapple with the discomfort of knee pain, often finding it even more severe than when it initially appeared.
Another scenario frequently observed in our physical therapy clinic involves individuals visiting their doctors, who, with good intentions, advise them to “rest,” “try these painkillers,” and “return in six weeks if there is no improvement.” However, when those six weeks elapse, these individuals revisit the same doctor because their condition has not improved. They are prescribed even stronger medications and, perhaps, a knee support.
Perhaps you are perplexed because you have received conflicting advice from various individuals. Maybe you believe resting is necessary because you were told that walking exacerbates knee pain, or perhaps you have been advised to perform specific exercises to alleviate the discomfort.
The uncertainty surrounding the appropriate course of action can be highly confusing, and that’s just to prevent the worsening of knee pain!
Unfortunately, this confusion often leads people to procrastinate and delay making a decision about how to address their knee pain. What’s even worse is that many individuals simply accept it as a normal part of life, believing that it must be endured or that there are no other options.
We would love to assist you if any of these situations sound familiar. We invite you to book a call with our physical therapists in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to explore how we can help you.
The fact that you have already tried some or all of these approaches is a positive step. Knowing what doesn’t work brings you closer to discovering what does!
Click the link below to schedule a complimentary call with us. During this call, we will give you valuable advice over the phone, free of charge. There is no obligation to schedule any appointments with us afterward. Our primary objective is to help you make an informed decision about your next steps.
Well, here are four steps you can take:
Suppose you’d like to discover how the dedicated physical therapy team at Dimensions Physical Therapy clinic in Dimensions Physical Therapy can help you reduce knee pain. In that case, we invite you to schedule a free, no-obligation, risk-free appointment at our clinic
Note: We understand that some individuals may feel anxious or skeptical about physical therapy, unsure of its potential benefits or if it is the right solution for them. If you find yourself in this position, we want to assure you that we offer a Free Total Body Diagnostic session specifically designed for you. This session allows us to work together, without any financial risk on your part, to determine the root cause of your concerns and develop an appropriate plan of action. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity so that we can address your doubts and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about your health.
Here are just a few ways our experienced physical therapy team can assist you:
Ultimately, the Physical Therapy Team at Dimensions Physical Therapy is dedicated to helping you live free from chronic knee pain that disrupts your daily activities.
If you’re curious about the cost of our services and availability at our clinic in Cambridge, Massachusetts, simply click the button below and fill out the short form.
open for phone calls
Tue, Thu
10 am to 6 pm
7 am to 2 pm
7 am to 2 pm
8 am to 1 pm